I’m sure everyone remembers the movie The Matrix.  You probably also remember the scene where Morpheus asks Neo if he wants to take the red pill or the blue pill.  Almost 19 years ago I was Neo and I chose the red pill.  For me that pill was Verizon.  Back then it was WorldCom (We all know how well that worked out!), then MCI, and finally Verizon.

New Challenges

New Challenges

Now it’s time for me to try the blue pill.  Starting January 9th I am more than excited to announce that I’ll be taking a Senior Premier Field Engineer position with Microsoft.  I had a lot of offers and it was a tough choice, but this was the right move for my family and I.  The opportunities that I had were all a direct result of the SQL Server community, including this one.  It really goes to show how powerful the community is and I couldn’t be more thankful to be a part of it.  Of course this does mean that I will have to step down from the PASS Board of Directors and you can read more about that HERE.

I want to thank everyone in the community that helped and supported me.  I am truly blessed and grateful to be a part of such an amazing SQL family.